The enigmatic question, “Why do we travel” has intrigued thinkers and philosophers through the years and is best answered in the famous words of writer Pico Iyer, when he said, “We travel initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel next,...

When it comes to periodicals, travelers are fortunate. Tons and tons of magazines are published every month – sometimes even twice a month – offering all sorts of information about your favorite vacation spots and the...

Today, when airlines offer more economy seating and more cut-rate fares, some customers and industry watchers predict the end of first class travel. After all, many of the most luxurious methods of travel in the past -...

Travel literature is a coherent narrative of people, events, sights, feelings, adventure and exploration by an author touring a foreign locale. Travel writings related to essay, guidebook, travelogue or itinerary have overlapping boundaries, so are grouped together as travel literature. This...

Travelling feeds the wandering soul, but it also feeds the corporate soul. Even the most top executives no longer travel solely for business purposes anymore. Leisure travel has become a preferred method for stressed-out businesspeople...